Charlotte Mason exams As the end of our first school term approaches, I am organising myself to run exams. I. Love. Exams. And I'm not alone! My children love exam week! There's no stress and fear, just anticipation and excitement as we plough our way through the final, most exciting week of our term. In the world of Charlotte Mason, exams are not the dreaded affairs that turn children to nervous wrecks! The exams are conducted in an excited way, of proudly displaying how much we have learned this term. The children get to tell what they remember, rather than being quizzed on tidbits of information that they may have forgotten. Remember, what we are after is understanding, passion and interest, not rote learning of dot point facts! When a child is given the opportunity, in a relaxed and positive environment, to share in narrative (story) form, what they have learned this term, it is FUN and HAPPY! What child doesn’t like to tell you everything about th...