I'm not SuperMum, I'm dirt

As mentioned before, in my previous post (What to do when you are Never Enough,) I have been called SuperMum. By lovely people, giving me a kind compliment, when they see that I have seven children, home educate them, grow some of my own food, etc, etc. I have always felt uncomfortable with the name despite the love it is said in.

I look around and see the messes, the tempers flaring, my faults and frailties and I feel anything but Super! I imagine that the name is given in misguided assumption that my life is perfect, that I NEVER snap at my kids, that I always have everything under control (with seven kids? Who are we kidding?!) and that if I did, hallelujah, I would take the name and give an acceptance speech!
But I know all too well how fallible I am. How I can never get it all done and how I fall into bed at the end of the day physically weary and with things still left undone.
But God has been reminding me of some verses He has given me over the years;

Just as a father has compassion on his children, So the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him. For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust.
Psalm 103: 13-14

He gently leads those with young.
Isaiah 40:11


In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat, for the Lord grants sleep to those He loves.
Psalm 127:2

The God of heaven and earth knows I am only human. That I am made from dirt (or dust!) His expectations are not burdensome and He doesn’t want me to slave-drive myself into the ground.
If I am to be anything more than dust in my mothering, it will not be through my own burning-the-candle-at-both-ends. It won’t be through trying harder, getting it perfect. It will only be by his Spirit, the same Spirit He breathed into Adam in the garden of Eden, that makes it.

And boy, do I know it. I have spent so many days running myself ragged yet achieving nothing, while the children grab around my legs, missing me and cranky. But I have had days when I have gone to Him first (even if that just means turning on worship music and starting breakfast with a song of love in my heart,) trusted Him for the energy and time to do what He wanted me to get done. The day is so different. His amazing love and insightful words have come out of my mouth to bless my children. His promptings have led me to lie down in green, lush pastures of rest and peace and even the house has looked better at the end of the day!

So thank you, heavenly Father, that you know that I am only dust. And thank you that you are more than willing to make up the difference with your awesome love and grace.

And with His help, I can be not a SuperMum, but a Supernatural Mum!


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